TUniScript Members

TUniScript class overview.


Name Description


Used to specify the connection in which the script will be executed.


Used to retrieve the results of SELECT statements execution inside a script.

Debug (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to display the script execution and all its parameter values.

Delimiter (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to set the delimiter string that separates script statements.

EndLine (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to get the current statement last line number in a script.

EndOffset (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to get the offset in the last line of the current statement.

EndPos (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to get the end position of the current statement.

Macros (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to change SQL script text in design- or run-time easily.


Provides extended settings for each data provider.

SQL (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to get or set script text.

StartLine (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to get the current statement start line number in a script.

StartOffset (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to get the offset in the first line of the current statement.

StartPos (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to get the start position of the current statement in a script.

Statements (inherited from TDAScript)

Contains a list of statements obtained from the SQL property.


Used to specify the TUniTransaction object in the context of which SQL commands will be executed, and queries retrieving data will be opened.


Name Description

BreakExec (inherited from TDAScript)

Stops script execution.

ErrorOffset (inherited from TDAScript)

Used to get the offset of the statement if the Execute method raised an exception.

Execute (inherited from TDAScript)

Executes a script.

ExecuteFile (inherited from TDAScript)

Executes SQL statements contained in a file.

ExecuteNext (inherited from TDAScript)

Executes the next statement in the script and then stops.

ExecuteStream (inherited from TDAScript)

Executes SQL statements contained in a stream object.

FindMacro (inherited from TDAScript)

Finds a macro with the specified name.

MacroByName (inherited from TDAScript)

Finds a macro with the specified name.


Name Description

AfterExecute (inherited from TDAScript)

Occurs after a SQL script execution.

BeforeExecute (inherited from TDAScript)

Occurs when taking a specific action before executing the current SQL statement is needed.

OnError (inherited from TDAScript)

Occurs when server raises an error.
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